14 Feb 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's valentine's day today, and boy does karma have a way of making us eat our words. I was just making fun of people who receive teddy bears for valentine's day and guess what I should receive from my husband? Yup. Flowers with bears. Haha. Ah well, I've gotta say they're really pretty though! :) here's a photo of the flowers that's gonna make it into my project life this week!

And what did I get for him? Well I whipped up a small card for him after realizing that i haven't given him anything handmade for ages, bought him a whole cake (gonna have some in a bit yay!) and bought him dinner at skinny pizza.

And now, at 9pm, we're at home and getting ready to watch a movie, or part of it till I nod off (work is totally kicking my butt recently!) and me feeling exceedingly lucky for having found someone so perfect! :)


Madeylim said...

WAHAHAHA.. bears.......

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